Mario Lopez I'm going to be a dad!

Notre collègue Anny Hertig a été licenciée avec effet immédiat le 25 septembre 2009 (voir notre communiqué urgent du 28.09.09). Il s’agit là d’une décision arbitraire, brutale et particulièrement grave.

Mario Lopez I'm going to be a dad!

de jack0012coen le 12 Mar 2010, 02:24

Already named PEOPLE's 2008 Bachelor of the Year, Mario Lopez is now a frontrunner for a new title: sexiest father alive.
"The Extra" host's girlfriend is expecting their first child in the fall.
"I'm really excited. I'm happy. I can't wait to be a dad," Lopez told PEOPLE.
Lopez, 36, and his girlfriend, actress Courtney Mazza, 28, met in 2008 when Lopez starred in "A Chorus Line" on Broadway.
So is Fast Power levelingthe former "Dancing with the Stars" competitor -- and longtime playboy -- ready for diaper duty?
"Of course," Lopez said. "I grew up in a large family. I'm fired up! I don't know what we're having. I'm going to wait to see [the baby's gender] so it will be a surprise."
Lopez is also the host of MTV's "America's Best Dance Crew."
Messages: 74
Inscription: 09 Mar 2010, 08:05

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