MaCatte Antivirus 2009??how can i remove it?

Notre collègue Anny Hertig a été licenciée avec effet immédiat le 25 septembre 2009 (voir notre communiqué urgent du 28.09.09). Il s’agit là d’une décision arbitraire, brutale et particulièrement grave.

MaCatte Antivirus 2009??how can i remove it?

de Dordixs le 15 Mar 2010, 22:56

My friend in Nebraska has asked me to help her with her laptop (i live in AZ ,she used to live here too). She downloaded a bunch of viruses disguised as a virus danger warning from the main OS (ironic huh?) all I know to do is to take it to a computer store like best buy or get a free anti virus software. Any ideas on things that could help? by the way the thing that did it i think was called the antyvirus software fyi. forex trading software
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Mar 2010, 10:34

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