Notre collègue Anny Hertig a été licenciée avec effet immédiat le 25 septembre 2009 (voir notre communiqué urgent du 28.09.09). Il s’agit là d’une décision arbitraire, brutale et particulièrement grave.

Ligation operations

de hijk573 le 31 Mar 2010, 19:03

In the first year after systemic check-up, doctor of the man said: "everything is normal. You still have what matter?"

"Of course,"CA man denim
CA man jacket
CA man long tee said the man. "I want to make vasal ligation operations."

"It is very good, but you and your family have a talk?"

"The, 15 votes, two nays, 2 abstentions."
Messages: 108
Inscription: 11 Mar 2010, 15:27

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