How do you make contact Dunks

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How do you make contact Dunks

de Skyzhay le 01 Mar 2022, 06:56

Standing dunks can be executed by holding down Nba 2k22 Mt an X or square button (square or X) or by flicking the left stick up while holding RT or R2. Standing dunks can also be done by forwards or centers with the elite or professional Dunk packs on NBA 2K22. Your player must be standing and free of defenders to execute this move.

An aggressive dunk can be accomplished by holding the triggers R2 or RT and then flicking the right stick any way while sprinting. Dunks that are violent are offered to any player that has the elite dunking packages including Ja Morant Vince Carter, and Zion Williamson.

It's okay to let your opponents know that they are near the paint in the case of elite players due to their required attributes to perform spectacularly over them. When you see your player sprint out of the backcourt and possess an athletic physique increases the likelihood of winning the game.

A contact dunk occurs by holding down R2 or RT , with the right stick pointed up as you sprinttowards the basket. It is essential to have a defense who is guarding the paint to ensure that your player can finish the contact dunk on top of him.

Elite finishers have an increased chance of buy 2k22 mt completing contact dunks in comparison to defenders. Players that have the elite or pro packages may make contact dunks more accessible, but the difficulty of finishing them rises for players with high paint defense as well as blocks.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 01 Mar 2022, 06:52

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